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5th DUI in Florida

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2024 | DUI

When you already have multiple convictions on your criminal record, facing 5th DUI charges in Florida can be a serious problem. You may face specific penalties and consequences that can haunt you for years. Because of this, you may need to seek guidance right away to protect your future.

Our Team Offers Quality Legal Support for Individuals with Complex Records

When facing such harsh penalties and the consequences of a long criminal record, you may need a leading DUI defense lawyer on your side before you enter the Florida courtroom. The team at Patrick McLain Law are prepared to provide the legal support and representation you need in court. When your future is on the line, do not risk it with attorneys that may not have the tools you need.

You Can Get Extensive DUI Experience on Your Side

DUI cases come with specific types of evidence and laws that can impact how the case is handled. This is especially important if you have multiple DUI convictions, as our ongoing experience and knowledge can be a massive benefit to those with multiple convictions.

We Are Committed to Personalized Attention for Our Clients

Each case is different, and when you have multiple convictions, you have more complexities to your case. That is why our firm is committed to providing aggressive defensive strategies that are tailored to your specific needs. Our team offers the specific tools you need to potentially reduce or dismiss the charges you are facing.

Legal Implications and Impacts of a 5th Florida DUI Case

When you are facing a fifth DUI case in Florida, the legal implications are severe. For a fourth DUI conviction and beyond, you may be facing a third degree felony charge, meaning much harsher fifth DUI penalties in Florida. Those penalties may also come with ongoing severe threats to your driver’s license, which can impact your ability to travel, work, and more.

Penalties and Consequences You May Face for a Conviction

Because a fifth DUI is a third degree felony, you may face up to 5 years in state prison. Other consequences include fines and other financial penalties that can haunt you for years after you complete your sentence. Worse, you may face a permanent revocation of your license, which means that your license will be permanently taken from you and you will never be able to drive legally again.

How We Approach Each Client’s Defense

When clients have multiple past DUI convictions, there are certain considerations that need to be taken as our team at Patrick McLain Law builds your defense. At this point, your actions through sobriety programs and community service can potentially impact your defense or plea bargain. Your attorney will look at the specifics of your case and the multiple charges to determine the best approach for your case.

We Have Many Options for Strong Defense Strategies

One of the first potential strategies our firm may use is to question the evidence, as mistakes can be made and Breathalyzer tests are not always perfectly accurate. We may also question the legality of the arrest if there are any doubts about whether they violated your Fourth Amendment rights or other rights during the arrest. In some cases, if the evidence against you is too strong, our team can still negotiate a plea bargain, which may still lead to some form of conviction, but can reduce the charges and ease the impact on your life.

Do I Need Legal Representation for a 5th DUI?

Getting the right defense for your case after multiple DUI offenses in Florida can be tough. That is especially true if you do not have experience representing yourself in the courtroom, as a lack of understanding of the criminal laws affecting your case can hurt you. Our attorneys provide experience, knowledge, and legal representation in the court to help your case succeed.

When you are facing these issues, reach out by calling or filling out our online contact form to get in touch with our team about your options.